Difference between Achilles in Troy and in the Iliad
Achilles is shown to be very different in Troy as he is said be in the Iliad. In the Iliad, Achilles does
not agree to fight after Agamemnons’ gift of Breseis and other extensive gifts. He says he would only
fight if the Trojans reach his ships and threaten them with fire. But in the movie, Achilles takes
rescues Breseis from assaults from Agamemnons’ guards. Though in both the Iliad and movie Troy,
Achilles is angered by the death of Patroclus and kills Hector. There is also, obviously, a physical
difference. We all know that the role of Achilles was played by Brad Pitt, but we are given little
detail as to what Achilles looked like in the Iliad. We mainly only have vase paintings and statues,
which both look rather different. Achilles is said to have been dipped in the river Styx, but his heels
didn't touch the water, this being why he was only vulnerable when he was struck on his Achilles
heel. In the Iliad, Achilles was wound on his heel did not heal properly and died later from sickness.
In the movie Troy, Achilles dies almost instantly after being struck with the arrow. There were no
signs of sickness at all. In the movie Troy, Achilles is among one of many Greeks that are inside the
Trojan Horse. In the Iliad, Achilles died before the Trojan Horse ruse was ever exploited. We all
to battle, only to be soon lain by Hector. But in the movie "Troy", Achilles lets Patroclus use
Achilles' armour but warns him to come back once he has fought of the Trojans. But he does not
listen to Achilles and fights them back to the walls of Troy, where he was soon killed. Also, in the
Iliad when Achilles seeks his vengence, he ends up chasing Hector around the walls of Troy three
times before Athena appears disguised as Hectors brother, her presuades him to make a stand against
Achilles. But in the movie Troy, this scene is not shown and Achilles rides his chariot to the gates of
Troy to face Hector, who willingly makes his stand. Achilles was portrayed as older than Patroclus in
the movie, but in the Iliad it is said that though Achilles is more noble, strong and mightier, Patroclus
is older.